A Modern Bridal Veil Alternative
Did you know that many bridal traditions stem from ancient Greek and Roman superstitions? Traditions such as carrying a bouquet of flowers down the aisle and having bridesmaids were originally meant to keep evil spirits at bay. The bridal veil also originated to “hide” the bride from spirits, in fact, that is why the father walked the bride down the aisle, so that she didn’t bump into anything. Later, the veil was intended to shield a bride’s face from her husband, especially in the case of arranged marriages.
Decades passed, and the veil became a symbol of modesty and obedience in religious ceremonies. In many religions it is seen as a symbol of reverence for women to cover their heads. And like the white wedding dress, the white veil symbolized chastity.
That was then, and this is now. So many brides these days are opting out of the traditional veil into gorgeous headpieces. From jeweled to flowers and everything in between, if tradition is not your thing, check out these stunning alternatives.