Join us for our Special Open House on Wednesday, January 22nd from 5:30-8pm!

Bridal Fashion Debut, January 10th and 11th, 2015 featured image

Bridal Fashion Debut, January 10th and 11th, 2015

January 7th, 2015


It’s that time of year again! Phoenix Bridal Fashion Debut, one of the biggest bridal shows in the valley. TWO days, hundreds of vendors, it’s a wedding planning dream. . . . that can also be a curse at the same time. Now hear me out. . . I am not trying to scare you. You SHOULD absolutely attend the bridal show! Venue at the Grove is so excited to be a part of it, and we love meeting the thousands of you that stop by our booth. However, bridal shows can be overwhelming. With so many people, and so many choices, it’s a lot to take in.

Never fear though, we have just the thing for you! We have written several blog posts on making a trip to the bridal expo a breeze. You can check them out here:

Tips for the Bridal Expo

How to Avoid Bridal Show Overload

New And Improved: How to Avoid Bridal Show Overload

We can’t wait to meet you all this weekend! Please top by and say hello!

Also be sure to mark your calendars for Venue at the Grove’s Special Open House on Wednesday, January 28th from 6 – 8pm.