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Bridal Shower Gift Ideas

August 28th, 2013

Bridal Shower gifts can be sweet or sentimental, but most importantly you want your bridal shower gift to be memorable for your bride be. There are of course the traditional bridal shower gifts to give like lingerie, household items you know they’ll love, or there’s always gifts from the wedding registry. But let’s think outside the box for a minute.
Personalization is key. Anything and everything can be personalized these days. Some ideas include a coffee mug, clock, frames, wine glasses, character plates, pillow cases, canvas’, key chains and the list goes on.


Another idea is to simply think of a great memory you have with your bride to be. Take a piece of that memory and incorporate it in your gift. One idea would be to could create a gift basket filled with some great memories . Let’s say you and the bride to be have a particular song you always play when you get together. So an idea would be to burn a CD with that song on it. You also may know what movie the bride and groom went to see on their first date. A cute idea would be to buy that DVD from them. Now, the bride has a personalized gift from you which is sure to bring back a rush of wonderful memories.


Whether you are personalizing something that is a symbolization of the bride and groom or you are giving a gift that is personalized to a memory shared with the bride you can’t go wrong. Both ideas are straight from the heart and also convey that you actually put time and thought into your gift.