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Maximizing Your Floral Budget Tips by Rheanna featured image

Maximizing Your Floral Budget Tips by Rheanna

August 18th, 2010

While the average price for weddings in the United States has risen to more than $20,000, brides are finding creative ways to spend their money more wisely and are discovering inexpensive ideas to help them save money. Here are some ways that can help you save on your flowers and still create a beautiful vision without spending a fortune.

 – Use only in season and readily available flowers. Be honest with your florist about your budget and ask them to recommend the most inexpensive flowers.

 – Avoid holding your wedding in February when the flower prices are at an annual high due to Valentine’s Day.

 – Find a venue such as a park or garden that is already lush and beautiful.

– Talk to your venue to see if there are any other brides booked for the same day.  Perhaps you can coordinate flowers and split the cost and both of you will save money.

 – Talk to party rental suppliers about renting large potted plants. They will visually fill a lot of space and will help frame your ceremony site or warm up your reception.  The biggest advantage is renting a potted plant is far less expensive than buying large flower arrangements.

These are just a few tips that might be helpful to you during your wedding planning and be easier on your wallet!