Tips for the Bridal Expo
Bridal shows are a fantastic way to meet vendors and see what they are about. You can get many ideas and see which styles match yours. There will be many vendors at the Bridal Fashion Debut this Sunday, June 6th and by attending you’ll receive lots of information. Here are a couple of tips for the show:
- Create an email address just for planning your wedding, this will help you keep all the information you receive in an organized place.
- Print labels for the bridal show with the following information:
- Bride and Groom’s Name
- Email Address
- Phone number and Mailing address
- Wedding Date
This is helpful because with the many attendess it can be very challenging for vendors to spend quality time with you, therefore many will ask you to fill out information cards so that they can follow up with you. It also makes it a lot easier for you, you will be able to cover more ground in one day and your hand will thank you at the end of the day! : )
- Most important have fun!!! There will be fashion shows, prize giveaways, cake tastings, food tastings and fun things to do. Plus at the end of the day you will leave with a big bag of great info…..Happy Planning!